Unique Guests Visit & Scans in Park (by month)

5,700 Unique Guests
171,000 Active plays (Scans)
Total Guests Scan 'n' Play 5,700
Guest Dwell time
2 hrs 35 mins Average Visit
4 hrs 35 mins Longest Visit
0 hrs 45 mins Shortest Visit
Most Used Attraction Helix Climbing Wall 127,567
Average percentage of attractions
completed / played per visit

started per visit

Most Popular Attractions (by unique users)

Attraction User (Unique)
Helix - Climbing Walls 27,567
Crevice - Climbing Walls 25,700
Battle Beam 24,798
Dodgeball 23,678
Warrior 22,654
% Helix
% Crevice
% Battle
% Dodge
% Warrior

Most Used Attractions (by frequency)

Attraction Active Plays
Helix - Climbing Walls 127,567
Crevice - Climbing Walls 80,700
Warrior 80,654
Dodgeball 70,678
Battle Beam 24,798
% Helix
% Crevice
% Battle
% Dodge
% Warrior

Daily Active Plays (by unique guests)

Hover of the column for the number
Current Fortnight Best performing Fortnight

Videos Created

Created videos and percentage by attraction

Video Shares

Shares and percentage by channel
5,700 unique users
Share ratio: 1.27
Customer Care